During 2015 Danish Oysters (Aquamind) succeeded in farming Pacific oysters (Crassotrea gigas) in the Isefjord. Throughout 3 months the 10,000 oysters grew from 2 mm to 6 cm, which illustrates the great posibilities to produce sellable oysters in only 2 seasons. Apart from having a profitable economy, contrary to the production of blue mussels, the oysters carry out a netreduction of nutrients, which underlines the great potential as not only a sales item, but also an environmental mitigation tool to be used in the coastal areas of Denmark. Danish Oysters is talking with NaturErhvervstyrelsen, Naturstyrelsen og Fødevarestyrelsen about the future of farming danish Pacific oysters.
Photo: Pacific oysters in the Isefjord grows from 2 mm to 6 cm in only 3 months